L’uso della lingua inglese in Shakespeare: nuovi significati e l’esplorazione del mito.

diffondo attraverso l’Associazione ALL (Associazione Laureate/-i in Lingue e Letterature Straniere) l’informazione su questo corso online gratuito tenuto da grandi esperti/e nell’ambito della lingua usata da Shakespeare nelle sue opere.
Si tratta di una ricerca innovativa dai risultati sorprendenti su uno degli autori maggiormente studiati del canone letterario.
Potrebbe certamente essere l’occasione giusta per approfondire e magari affrontare lo studio delle opere di Shakespeare secondo una nuova prospettiva.

Shakespeare’s Language: Revealing Meanings and Exploring Myths


This MOOC will appeal to anybody with an interest in Shakespeare’s language, early modern English and/or corpus-methods for tackling literary and/or historical texts.


It begins on 12th July and runs for four weeks (it amounts to about three hours per week). Further details, information about registration, etc. can be found here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/shakespeares-language/1

In terms of level, the materials are pitched at first year university undergraduates. However, no background knowledge is assumed; senior sixth formers/high school students should find it accessible.

Extending the other way, it is sprinkled with research findings, not to mention innovative techniques, so should also be of interest to more senior scholars.


Jonathan Culpeper
Professor of English Language and Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YL
Email: j.culpeper@lancaster.ac.uk

Webpage: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/linguistics/about-us/people/jonathan-culpeper
